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InTASC Standard #7

The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context (InTASC, 2013).

Student Writing

Brief Description of Evidence

During the Spring semester of 2019 as a part of EDUC 233- Literacy Development Through Children’s Literature, I created and delivered a lesson plan to two groups of students at an elementary school. I chose a children’s book and build a lesson plan surrounding the story using age-appropriate state standards for students. My lesson plan included a very detailed outline of what would take place the day I presented the lesson. My professors reviewed the plan after I completed it, which gave me an opportunity to add, take away, and fix some things in order to be prepared to present the lesson. The book I chose for this lesson plan was Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. Using Kindergarten and 1st grade standards, I was able to implement activities focusing on rhyming, the difference in uppercase and lowercase letters, and using the five senses.

Top View of Kids Playing

Analysis of What I Learned

Throughout the process of planning my lesson, I learned how to take age-appropriate standards and create an interactive lesson plan centered around these standards. In this particular case, I was able to create a lesson based on a children’s book. Finding ways to incorporate fun books into the classroom as learning activities is an important skill for elementary-aged teachers to have. I gained experience in anticipating and dealing with problems during the lesson. I learned how to handle obstacles and bring the lesson back around. Knowing how to choose a high-quality children's book is now second nature to me, as I was taught what to look for while browsing. I also learned how to properly use transitions in a lesson plan. While creating my lesson plan, I used Bloom’s Taxonomy to help make sure I covered everything I might need. This helped me create meaningful learning objectives and appropriate activities to go along with them. I will be using Bloom’s Taxonomy often while creating lesson plans in the future.


How This Artifact Demonstrates my Competence on the InTASC Standard

I have demonstrated my competence over InTASC Standard 7- Planning for Instruction by actively engaging in planning a lesson plan that follows state standards in order to meet the curriculum. I was able to gain skills across many areas such as planning a lesson, preparing for a lesson, anticipating obstacles, using transitions, and battling any hardships. This strengthened my pedagogy skills. I now feel more comfortable with pedagogy in community context after effectively creating and implementing a lesson plan based upon curriculum and standards for my learners.

Lesson Plan

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